The Prophet (saas) Foretold the Coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) in Hijri 1400
The Prophet (saas) foretold the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) in Hijri 1400In the words of one hadith;
People will gather around Hazrat Mahdi (as) in the year 1400. (Risalat al-Khuruj al-Mahdi, p. 108)
The Prophet (saas) explicitly states that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear in Hijri 1400. Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, the greatest Islamic scholar of the last 1000 years, also reveals in his collected works that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear in Hijri 1400:
[They] suppose[d] A FACT THAT WOULD OCCUR IN THE FUTURE OF THE WORLD ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED YEARS LATER to be close to their century. (Words, p. 318)
As of Hijri 1400, all the signs of the End Times revealed by our Prophet (saas) began taking place one after the other.
Many hadiths handed down from the Prophet (saas) appearing in the Letters of the great Islamic scholar Imam Rabbani and Sunan Abu Dawud, one of the six most important works of Sunni hadith literature, explicitly state that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear in Hijri 1400, and this is reiterated many times over in Said Nursi's Barla Addendum, Kastamonu Addendum and The Rays, as well as in the Damascus Sermon he preached to 10,000 people in the year Hijri 1327 in the Umayyad Mosque. (For detailed information, see:
Hadiths transmitted from the Prophet (saas) appearing in the works of such great Islamic scholars as Imam Rabbani, As-Suyuti, Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Bediuzzaman Said Nursi also explicitly say that the life of the Ummah of Islam will not exceed the year Hijri 1500:
THE LIFE OF MY COMMUNITY WILL NOT EXCEED 1500 YEARS. (Suyuti, el- Keşfu an Mücavezeti Hazihil Ümmeti el-Elfu, elhavi lil Fetavi,
Suyuti. 2/248, tefsiri Ruhul Beyan. Bursevi. (Arapça) 4/262,
Ahmed bin Hanbel, Kitâbu’l-İlel, s. 89)
Suyuti. 2/248, tefsiri Ruhul Beyan. Bursevi. (Arapça) 4/262,
Ahmed bin Hanbel, Kitâbu’l-İlel, s. 89)
Imam as-Suyuti says that the hadiths of our Prophet (saas) reveal that the life of the Ummah will not exceed 1500 years:
THE LIFE OF MY COMMUNITY WILL NOT EXCEED 1500 YEARS. (As-Suyuti, Al-Kashf 'an Mujawazat Hazihi al-Ummah al-Alf; As-Suyuti, Al-Hawi Lil-Fatawi, 2/248; Tafsir Ruh al-Bayan. Bursawi 4/262; Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Kitab al-`Ilal, p. 89) ((Al-Barzanji, Al-Isha'ah li-ashrat al-sa'ah, p. 299)
Said Nursi says that the life of the Ummah will last until the year Islamic year 1506:
“The first sentence refers to the last period of a community striving on the path of Allah in the End Times in ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED - (1500) and the second sentence to the victory of the struggle (waged on the path of Allah) in ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND SIX (1506). (...) It suggests it will continue in a visible and manifest, and perhaps victorious form, until this date (1506)." (The Ratifying Stamp of the Unseen, p. 46)
On page 33 of the Kastamonu Addendum Bediuzzaman gives the year 1545 as the date of the Day of Judgement. (Allah knows the truth.)
“A group from my community will remain in truth until Allah's command.
The abjad calculation of the clause “A group from my community...” which is 1542 (2117) implies its (the community's) time of survival. The abjad calculation of the clause “will remain in truth” (when the gemination mark is counted) gives 1506 (2082) it indicates until that date (2082) it will continue its work of enlightenment evidently and obviously, and maybe victoriously until 1542 (2117) in secrecy and defeat. The abjad calculation of the clause “until Allah's command” (when the gemination mark is counted) suggests that THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT WILL BEFALL the unbeliever in 1545 (2120). (Kastamonu Addendum, p. 33)
In the light of these completely trustworthy sources, it is quite obvious that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not appear in a century after Hijri 1400. All Muslims must attach absolute credence to the trustworthy hadiths concerning the End Times handed down from our Prophet (saas) and to the accounts of greatest Islamic scholars. Otherwise, to ignore these portents that have all come about one after the other is equivalent to maintaining that one should expect them to happen again, one after the other. The fact is that these portents have already happened once, and in a given order. And this is sufficient for Muslims to realize that they are living in the End Times foretold by our Prophet (saas). To say, in the face of the hundreds of portents in question that have taken place, “the same portents must happen all over again” is definitely irrational and illogical. It is enough for a genuine Muslim to see that these portents have taken place once in the manner foretold by our Prophet (saas) to believe that we are living in the End Times and that, insha'Allah, Hazrat Mahdi (as) has come.
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